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SLA Art Space
Film Festival



bout the 2023 Festival

SASAFF (SLA Art Space Animation Film Festival-2023) New York City is the FIRST ever festival in the US exhibiting animated short films from

three Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The program is curated by well known animators -

 Ülo Pikkov, Vladimir Leschiov,

and Valentas Aškinis.

Including a Young Audiences showing for families on Saturday, October 28th. 

The animators will present their films and talk in depth about the process of producing them in their countries. Check the festival's schedule for more details. 

SASAFF NYC 2023 is pleased to also host animated films from Nordic countries. The program is curated by Anders Narverud Moen, the Fredrikstad Animation Festival’s director and leader. 

SLA Art Space team is excited to invite New York City audiences to immerse in the animation world filled with captivating stories and visual innovation.

The festival takes place in person

October 25th to - October 28th 

@ SLA Art Space - a cultural center fusing Art and moving images.

Venue is located at

307 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001

Come!! Plunge into a place of inspiration and


SASAFF (SLA Art Space Animation Film Festival)


he Team


Laima Mihailovich 

Rūta Pauliukaitytė

 Francine Rogers 


Laima Mihailovich -President of LAA/SLA


Rūta Pauliukaitytė -SASAFF director 


Francine Rogers - LAA/SLA Curator 


ur Mission, and Core Values

Lithuanian Alliance of America’s

SASAFF (SLA Art Space Animation Film Festival)

NYC is a non-profit cultural venture, focused on promoting underrepresented animation filmmakers, mainly from Baltic countries. Our purpose is connecting professionals from all over the world and facilitating the circulation of resources, contacts, knowledge and tools.


ur Story and Our Vision



Founded in 1886, Lithuanian Alliance of America is the oldest, active, operating organization in the world.

Since 2015, SLA Art Space has served as a venue for art exhibits, lectures, book presentations, and other cultural events. We are continuing to grow and are very pleased to introduce the art of moving images, a powerful form of creative expression and communication.

SASAFF (SLA Art Space  Animation Film Festival) NYC 2023 is launching its journey into the world of animation! The Festival’s specially curated programs are dedicated to fostering and promoting the broadest range of current short animated films in addition to providing an accessible place for underrepresented countries and animators. This year we are honored to have Nordic countries join the festival.

In the following years we will work to expand and host more animators. 

We believe that our biggest strength comes when

we are united in diversity, equity and inclusion.

SASAFF NYC Story and Vision

Art by: Sigita Rucinskaite-Praneviciene


estival Consultant

Festival’s Consultant- Signe Baumane is a Latvian-born, Brooklyn-based independent filmmaker, artist, writer and animator. She has made 17 award-winning animated shorts and is best known for her two animated features - "Rocks in my Pockets” and “My Love Affair With Marriage”. Signe is a Guggenheim Fellow and a Fellow in Film for New York Foundation for the Arts.

Check out Signe's website for more info about her new award winning animated feature film "My Love Affair With Marriage"


estival Sponsor

Ron Spurga is a New York-based entrepreneur who finances projects in the energy, real estate, and entertainment industries. Ron has also authored finance textbooks and written extensively on investment topics.
An MBA holder, Ron is a graduate of Rutgers University and the Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.

Gallery • Gallery  Gallery • Gallery


Festival Schedule

OCT 25th

6:30PM              Festival opening

7:00PM              Welcome reception

18 & Up

7:15PM              Showing of four films  (31.30 mins)

  •        “I Need” Lithuania 

  •        “Comeback” Latvia 

  •        “Till we Meet Again” Estonia 

  •        “Glenn the Nature Lover” Sweden, Norway

8:00PM              Meet the filmmakers. Presentation                             of curated programs.

All films

Festival Films






Contact Us!

307 W 30th St.

New York NY, 10001

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